Trust Principles

The purpose of the SFAPPT is to support the efforts of independent, values-aligned organizations that advance sustainable agriculture practices and food systems.

Our Guiding Principles include:


Trust governance engagement of stakeholders including farmers, customers, coworkers, investors and community allies


Sharing economic upside with active stakeholders by investing in things that benefit them 

Natural resource preservation, regenerating ecosystems, enhancing biodiversity

Climate change mitigation, reduction of emissions and carbon sequestration


Equitable and diverse supply chains from farm to marketplace, social justice, fair labor


Purpose-driven operations focused on mission-benefit maximization vs. profit maximization while ensuring the company is financially viable


Improvements in organic agriculture, continued, evolution towards best practices

Reduce dependence on non-renewable resources, materials extracted from the earth’s crust (such as heavy metals, petroleum)

Reduce toxic and persistent synthetics, man-made materials (such as plastics, chemical pesticides)


Holistic food systems policy, continued advocacy for public education, transparency, rigorous standards